Manuscripts in Preparation
Minsky, Margaret and Yuchen Li, “Exploring a Computer Embroidery Swatchbook in a University Classroom”
Minsky, Margaret and Oliver Steele, “PoseShare: Enabling Full-Body Inter-Tile Interaction in Video Conferencing”,
Journal, Conference, and Book Chapters
Minsky, Margaret and Yuchen Li, “Exploring a Computer Embroidery Swatchbook in a University Classroom”, Constructionism/FabLearn Conference 2023, New York, Oct 2023
Minsky, Margaret, “College Students Respond to ‘Twenty Things' in 2020”, Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, Vol. 22 No. 1-22, 2022
Minsky, Margaret, “Movement Practices and Computing: We are Internet Beings“, Abstract, in Lin, Monika, Margaret Minsky, Eric Parren, and Alice Wang, Panel Session “Tactics for Studio Courses during a Pandemic”, 109th College Art Association Conference, Feb 2021
Cynthia Solomon, Brian Harvey, Ken Kahn, Henry Lieberman, Mark L. Miller, Margaret Minsky, Artemis Papert, and Brian Silverman, “History of Logo”. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 4, HOPL, Article 79 (June 2020), 66 pages.
Minsky, Margaret, “Learning to Draw”. In Inventive Minds: Marvin Minsky on Education, Cynthia Solomon and Xiao Xiao (Editors), MIT Press, April 2019. Available in Japanese and Chinese translation, 2020
Minsky, M., Akshay, N., Amritha, N., Anila, S., Nair, A. C., Gopalan, A., & Bhavani, R. R., “Soft Circuits for Livelihood and Education in India”, Poster, FabLearn 2013, Stanford, 2013
Jacob C. Jurmain, Andrew J. Blancero, James A. Geiling, MD, Andrew Bennett, PhD, Chris Jones, PhD, Jeff Berkley, PhD, Marc Vollenweider, PhD, Margaret Minsky, PhD, Jon C. Bowersox, MD, PhD, Joseph M. Rosen, MD, “HazBot: Development of a Telemanipulator Robot with Haptics for Emergency Response”, American Journal of Disaster Medicine, Vol. 3, No. 2 March/April 2008
Minsky, Margaret, “Will Haptics Research Parallel Computer Graphics Research?”, Proceedings ICAT ‘97 Conference, Tokyo, Nov. 1997
Minsky, Margaret, Lederman, Susan J., Simulated Haptic Textures: Roughness. In Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress: Dynamic Systems and Control Division, Vol. 2 (Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems), DSC-Vol. 58, 1996
Minsky, Margaret, Computational Haptics: The Sandpaper System for Simulating Texture. MIT Doctoral Thesis, MIT Media Arts and Sciences, June 1995
Minsky, Margaret, Ming, Ouh-young; Steele, Oliver; Brooks, Frederick P. Jr.; Behensky, Max, “Feeling and Seeing: Issues in Force Display”, Proceedings of 1990 Workshop on 3D Interactive Computer Graphics, March 1990, ACM SIGGRAPH (citations 880)
Also published as a book chapter, “Feeling and Seeing: Issues in Force Display”, in Dannenberg, Roger and Meera Blattner, MultiMedia Interface Design, ACM Press, 1992
Minsky, Margaret, “Manipulating Simulated Objects with Real-World Gestures Using a Force and Position Sensitive Screen”, proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH, 1984
LogoWorks, eds: Cynthia Solomon, Margaret Minsky, and Brian Harvey, McGraw-Hill, 1984
Technical Reports
Minsky, Margaret, “Improvisational Thinking in the Classroom:A Dance with Mathematics” Creative Classroom Issue 4, Revisiting Experiential Learning, Eds. Y.Yuan and Z.Yuan, 2024
Minsky, Margaret, “Ants Fabric”, “Drawing from Tinbergen” Minsky, Margaret and Oliver Steele “DinaCrab: Hermit Behavior” all in Proceedings of First Digital Naturalism Conference, Koh Lon, Thailand, 2018, Identifier-ark: ark:/13960/t08x2435r
Minsky, Margaret, Preface, Website: Music, Mind, and Meaning, 2014,
Minsky, Margaret, “Home Haptics”, Proceedings of the Phantom User’s Group Meeting, MIT AI Lab Technical Report #1596, Oct. 1996
Wang, Wejia; Shurman, Daniel; Minsky, Margaret D.R., US Patents #5,757,929, “Audio Interface Garment and Communication System for Use therewith”
Wang, Wejia; Shurman, Daniel; Minsky, Margaret D.R., US Patents #5,563,951, “Audio Interface Garment and Communication System for Use therewith”
Minsky, Claudia Juliana; Steele, Oliver; Minsky, Margaret D. R., US Patent #8,117,089, “System for segmentation by product category of product images within a shopping cart”
Minsky, Claudia Juliana; Steele, Oliver; Minsky, Margaret D. R., US Patent #9,530,142, “Method and system for creating a multifunctional collage useable for client/server communication”